Nintendo Moves To Mobile


After Nintendo announced its partnership with DeNA (Japanese mobile firm)

It has now released the fact it will be hitting mobiles and tablets.

There will be a new subscription that will be created and will be replacement of club Nintendo,
This new subscription will be a bridge between platforms WiiU,Tablets, Mobiles, PC, 3DS and the new up coming Nintendo NX. This will be one of the big core elements of Nintendos new route.

Nintendo will be in charge of how the game plays what it looks like and what games are released and DeNA will be in charge of the servers and backing Nintendo when needed.

This may mean guys that the new pokemon/mario maybe coming to your Mobile device see i think this is a wicked pair up and i think there is a huge space for this in the market.

Ok Xbox has smartglass but nothing as far as connecting all the devices. If this goes to plan it can be a huge investment and pay out for Nintendo something i think the company needs.

What do you guys think comment??


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