Fable Legends FREE-TO-PLAY Xbox and PC


For once in our lives we have been given some sort of reward for being loyal Microsoft minions Xbox one and PC are getting fable legends for free. Obviously with the odd pay for content and buying off extra gear and what not but fundamentally the core game including all the story line quests the online multiplayer will be available the rest can be unlocked with pure committed to the game or to pay. So the NOOBS will pay and the players will play standard online free-to-play games.

I myself are excited for this but if it wasn't free-to-play then i don't think i would of brought the game, fable was about one man and his crazy skills of magic and heroism to take control of a castle a kingdom or project innocents that how it should be with the adaption of a few fighting styles and customization beyond belief would of made the game amazing, making it more of a free to roam kind of game with muiltiplayer instances and gear challenges would of made the game a hit.

However this new style of 4 vs monster has been a hit with evolve and now for all audiences can now play fable legends, the only issues is the customization i hope they will have gear changes and not just different skills as well as it seems there isn't that many characters to choose from this is upsetting i would love the chance to update my character cry and scream until i get the gear i want then own people with the best gear that is what a game is about. BUT this seems as if you get the character you mite have some sort of customization but not much but for a free-to-play game then whats to lose.

With the whole monster aspect i love it that everyone can take part in a PVP i love fighting actually people coming up with new tactics and involving new moves to kill your opponent it makes the game free flowing and makes it alot more challenging, this means there will be different bad guys we can kill and hunt and use our amazing team skills to fight them or to get killed in most cases haa.

Hopefully this will be a success and will influence new games to do the same and increase the amount of free-to-play games which i feel will bring new players to Xbox and will reward the existing gamers.

Comment guys and tell me what you think about the concept of free to play games can they be a hit or a flop????