BATTLEFIELD Hardline Premium Program Detailed


PEOPLE OF THE GAMING WORLD if you like me are a battlefield fiend then you will all enjoy this!!!

£39.99 is the cost for the new premium program which they have announced for the new battlefield.

This involves all four expansions that they have planned to release, this is a one-off fee which will give you access to new maps,vehicles and even new story missions are planned, these will all be available 2 weeks before the common battlefield players if brought.

It also features little crazy perks for example perk-inducing masks and a customization bench for your guns nothing like some good old customization. ASWELL you will gain access to premium only tournaments to get to legendary status now if your like just the sound of that gets me gripped its shocking really the word legendary just makes me hooked already. OF COURSE there will premium only skins and 12 gold battlepacks which is always a bonus and to top this off there will be premium only members get exclusive xp weeks and in game missions to gain quicker faster levels which i always love to do :)

Overall is it worth £39.99 i think so the amount of extra content you get not just a few skins like most of these online packs you can buy so get involved guys if you play to get involved let me know tell me if your planning to get it ???


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