Star Wars: KotOR Remastered

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic is perhaps the most loved element of the Star Wars intellectual property outside of the original trilogy of films and now arguably the adrenaline filled epic that is episode VII: The Force Awakens.

But times have moved on quite a lot since 2003, almost a decade and a half later; you'd find it difficult to find a platform to play these games on other than on the PC with the new addition of the game to the Steam Store this year. Even that doesn't account for the quality of the graphics which is perhaps most aptly described as "quaint".

(Original graphics from the Steam Store version.)

But now all fans of the KotOR franchise such as myself can rejoice! KotOR 3 has been announced by Bioware with Drew Karpyshyn as lead writer. The original SW: KotOR game is being remastered with updated graphics and new content entirely free of charge. Fellow Revanites, let me introduce you to:

Being worked on by the newly created "Poem Studios" which comprises volunteers in coding, artistic and voice acting disciplines the project involves in their own words:

Apeiron is a reboot of the Knights of the old Republicthat was released in 2003. Apeiron is a remake and remastering of the original game with added content, new worlds, missions, HUD, inventory, items, and compainions. (sic)
Though it's currently in a very pre-alpha stage they intend to remaster and improve upon the original game inside of the Unreal 4 Engine; it is unclear as of yet if they intend to use the original voice files or not.

The team anticipates no legal issues on the project due to he recent success of projects such as Black Mesa. They also intend to distribute the project for free making no profit for themselves at all, this is of course providing you own a copy of the original game. They intend to open a link for donations at some point in the future and if you want to help out yourself to make this project a reality they are accepting offers through the E-mail address of:

Current system requirements for KotOR are as follows:
  • OS: Windows XP and Windows Vista 
  • Processor: Intel Pentium 3 1Ghz or AMD Athlon 1GHz 
  • Memory: 256 RAM 
  • Graphics: 32 MB with Hardware T&L 
  • DirectX®: Directx 9.0b or better 
  • Hard Drive: 3.5 GB 
  • Sound: Directx 9.0b compatible 
It currently has a Metacritic rating of 93/100.

So far the project seems to be promising with the initial pictures emerging of the assets something that get's  even the most jaded fan excited,

So there it is; potentially a development in the star wars franchise that eclipses even SW:TOR itself to the old school fans, if you're as excited as I am, why not head over and let the development team know!
