I have been waiting for this one for a very long time and to be honest at the start i thought it would be PC only. Like most people my PC is shocking its plays League of legends and that about it HOWEVER the good news is that it is coming to the consoles for all to enjoy. From the creators of Borderlands, GearBox had alot to live up to with Battleborn. What i have seen this game looks actually AWESOME and i am so excited to get my hands on some of the characters to go round smashing up and destroying stuff. It seems that instead of following a storyline as such they are concentrating more on a strategic MOBA style game with alot of characters to choose from with alot of different abilities 25 characters to be exact. (with im sure added ones when the game becomes more popular)
Like most MOBAs there will be a set of minions on your side and set of minions on the other trying to battle it out to get to the enemies base for the victory. The character you are playing will slowly gain experience starting from a low level gather XP to become stronger and gain more abilities over the length of the game. Instead of the standard earn some coins and by some gear throughout the match and then losing it, you will have the chance to create loadouts which you will find the gear throughout the game in Loots packs which can be brought out of the game or found in the game with different rarity's of gear and loot packs. (hopefully this doesn't lead to people buying the best gear and being OP from the word go)
There will be 3 types of games you can play in coop the standard capture the objective to earn points called Devastation, the lane pushing help you minions tactical kind of game called Incursion and Meltdown is a game style based around helping your minions commit suicide into the incinerator. No one cares for the minions.
The game's characters are split into 5 factions:
The Last Light Consortium
The mostly-cybernetic LLC is the greatest economic power left in the universe, defined by a relentless pursuit of profit, no matter the cost. Once a constituent body of the United Peacekeeping Republics, the LLC abandoned the coalition when it became clear that principles and purpose did little to contribute to the bottom line. Owns and operates Minion Robotics, the largest weapons manufacturer still standing.
The Eldrid
A naturalistic order of observers and scientists, charged with the stewardship of the natural order of the cosmos. Long ago, the reach of the legendary Eldrid spanned entire galaxies -- but as the stars themselves have faded into darkness, so too has the might of this ancient faction. As all eyes turn to Solus, what remains of the Eldrid are grappling with their place in a darkening universe as they rally in defense of the Last Star.
The Rogue
The unaffiliated free peoples of Solus, colloquially known as the Rogues: misfits, renegades, and survivalists answering to no one. The Rogues make their home in the Detritus Rings, far from the squabbling of the other factions – but they too will have a part to play in determining the fate of the Last Star.
United Peacekeeping Republics
A collection of civilizations banded together under the banner of mutual protection, freedom, and equality, the nomadic UPR – like the other factions – now find themselves in Solus with no home to call their own. Though recently crippled by the secession of one of their strongest constituents, the Last Light Consortium, the UPR remains nonetheless committed to their idealistic sense of justice.
The Jennerit Imperium
The mighty Jennerit Imperium once led the fight against the Varelsi, forging alliances with the other factions to save the stars from the void. But in a desperate turn to spare his people from the darkness, the warlord Lothar Rendain staged a coup to seize control of the Imperium, and aligned its destiny with that of the Varelsi. Though the Jennerit have lost much in their struggle, they remain one of the strongest military forces in Solus.
How these factions affect the gameplay or the abilities i do not know but we shall see when the game is being played by the masses. Here is a little gameplay video for you to make your own opinions.....
What do you guys think? Will you be playing this badboiii of a game because i know i will.
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