Mortal Kombat X released on IOS TODAY WHATTTTTT!!!


This is something every fan of the game needs to know the game has been released on IOS with Android soon to follow. It has been developed by NetherRealm Studios themselves so surely it should be as close to the actual game as possible?

It is of course free-to-play which is always a good thing with a release like this if anything it is just a tease for the actual games release. To make the mobile game more interesting they have gone with the concept of card collection and fighting alongside each other with the ability to upgrade them making them stronger as well as their gear. It also allows you to unlock new finishing moves which is always a good thing i love a good finishing move nothing like smashing someone face to oblivion with a sword.

They have cleverly linked the mobile app with the game (when it is released) and daily events/achievements can be completed on the mobile device, they will also have a team based faction war where players can borrow players their characters to fight for them making them stronger and gaining achievements for this.

Why not download it its FREEEEEEEE

Let me know what you guys think?

Will you guys be getting the mobile app and the main game?


Lets Play