The offer as it stands allows you to download the game and play through the first six hours of the campaign, more specifically an in-game timer will count down to when you have been playing for 6 hours before ending your gaming experience. This version of the campaign will otherwise be without restriction though and should you play through at a reasonably thorough pace the six hour mark should be enough for you to have completed the prologue and spent some time exploring the first area of the game "The Hinterlands" which is more than enough time to know if you want to consider making the final purchase of the game. If you do, then good news; as your character and save file can be carried over from the 6 hour trial session into the full retail version of the game.
Also as EA wrote in their online store you can experience:
"A multiplayer adventure like no other: Get unlimited free multiplayer, including both multiplayer Expansion Packs with the Dragon Age: Inquisition - Trial. Explore the world of Dragon Age with friends. Experience incredible adventures and fight sinister enemies with friends who own the game and those playing the trial."
So there you have it, in an age where the demo is dying it's being brought back by the most unlikely contender in the area: EA, who are so famous for their less than exemplary business practices they won the 'Golden Poo' for being the worst company in America back in 2012.
Lets hope this proves to be as much as a positive as it seems, why not head over to the store front and pick the demo up for free? How do you feel about EA, are they turning over a new leaf or are they tainted beyond redemption, and is a free multiplayer worth playing if it's working on a micro-transaction system? let us know in the comments below and as always....
Let's Play.