Update on Warcraft Movie (so thats what my character sees??)
Update on Warcraft Movie (so thats what my character sees??)
Here is a little post just so you can see the trailer I have just seen and really understand what you character sees on world of warcraft on a griffin.
Apparently leaked from Comic-Con. Here it is.
Tell me what you think guys?
I think it looks quite good to be honest and i'm looking forward to it.
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Origin 6 hour 'Dragon Age: Inquisition' Demo - Morrigan Approves +6
Origin 6 hour 'Dragon Age: Inquisition' Demo - Morrigan Approves +6
The offer as it stands allows you to download the game and play through the first six hours of the campaign, more specifically an in-game timer will count down to when you have been playing for 6 hours before ending your gaming experience. This version of the campaign will otherwise be without restriction though and should you play through at a reasonably thorough pace the six hour mark should be enough for you to have completed the prologue and spent some time exploring the first area of the game "The Hinterlands" which is more than enough time to know if you want to consider making the final purchase of the game. If you do, then good news; as your character and save file can be carried over from the 6 hour trial session into the full retail version of the game.
Also as EA wrote in their online store you can experience:
"A multiplayer adventure like no other: Get unlimited free multiplayer, including both multiplayer Expansion Packs with the Dragon Age: Inquisition - Trial. Explore the world of Dragon Age with friends. Experience incredible adventures and fight sinister enemies with friends who own the game and those playing the trial."
So there you have it, in an age where the demo is dying it's being brought back by the most unlikely contender in the area: EA, who are so famous for their less than exemplary business practices they won the 'Golden Poo' for being the worst company in America back in 2012.
Lets hope this proves to be as much as a positive as it seems, why not head over to the store front and pick the demo up for free? How do you feel about EA, are they turning over a new leaf or are they tainted beyond redemption, and is a free multiplayer worth playing if it's working on a micro-transaction system? let us know in the comments below and as always....
Let's Play.
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare MORE FREE DLC
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare MORE FREE DLC
Here is a game that I applaud for giving out free content, Its about time games started awarding there players and releasing it is us the general gaming community that gets this games going and because world hits. RANT OVERRRR
Here is a little DLC of free weapons for all you COD player as of july 21st.
Sledgehammer have announced that three new weapons will be available these are:
Blunderbuss Shotgun:
One of the variants will need to be from supply drops. With 10 variants.
STG44 Assault Rifle:
One Variant will need to be from supply drops. 5 Variants.
SVO Sniper Rifle:
One Variant will need to be from supply drops. 5 Variants.
The download with first come to Xbox one and the rolled out to PS4 and PC versions.
What do you guys think?
Would you of like to see more? (who doesnt)
Comment let me know
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Cloaking Technology: Don't see the point? Then it's working.
Cloaking Technology: Don't see the point? Then it's working.
So how many times have you played a game where you've been saved at the last minute by some form of invisibility technology? Whether it's Crysis' CryNet Nanosuit, Halo's Arbiter in the Halo 2 Campaign or even just Zero's "Decoy" ability in the second Borderlands game I'm guessing most of us have experienced this ability at some point while indulging in our hobby. Have you ever wondered though; just how far away is this?
Well, apparently it may be closer than we've realised with promise on the horizon thanks to researchers from the University of California, San Diego who've designed a super-thin sheet of materials that can hide 3-D objects, including their shadow.
This isn't the first attempt or even advance in this field, with articles over the years always claiming that invisibility is right around the corner, but it is another important step as other previous attempt have hinged on certain lighting conditions, larger machinery or people being positioned in just the correct place; defeating the purpose of the technology.
To quote the IEEE Spectrum report on the matter:
"The cloak is very thin—only about a tenth the size of the wavelength of the photons it’s scattering—and lossless, so there’s no dimming to give away the presence of the cloak. The scientists achieved this by using a new design and different materials. Instead of a periodic structure of metal, which absorbs light, they use two dielectric materials, a Teflon substrate studded with cylinders made of a ceramic. The ceramic has a high refractive index, and the Teflon has a low refractive index. When combined, they create a metamaterial, capable of bending light in unusual ways."
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Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain cover no kojimas Name??
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain cover no kojimas Name??
Little update on the Metal Gear Solid series and as the release of number 5 is on the way they have finally released the cover and art work for the game. The first time the game can be played is at gamescom on the 5th-9th august in Germany, Those lucky people that get to go send me some screenshots haa.
However the break up of Kojima and Konami in april his name was taken off MGS games but managed to get it on Metal Gear Solid Legacy, But as you can see it has been taken from the new game.
The game is set to release on september 1st on PS4,Xbox One,PS3,Xbox 360 and PC.
Tell me what you think guys will you be getting this?
Are you going to gamescom?
Lets Play
Little update on the Metal Gear Solid series and as the release of number 5 is on the way they have finally released the cover and art work for the game. The first time the game can be played is at gamescom on the 5th-9th august in Germany, Those lucky people that get to go send me some screenshots haa.
However the break up of Kojima and Konami in april his name was taken off MGS games but managed to get it on Metal Gear Solid Legacy, But as you can see it has been taken from the new game.
The game is set to release on september 1st on PS4,Xbox One,PS3,Xbox 360 and PC.
Tell me what you think guys will you be getting this?
Are you going to gamescom?
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JUST WHY Runescape has got a 10 MAN RAID (WHHATTTT)
JUST WHY Runescape has got a 10 MAN RAID (WHHATTTT)
This game even though it is 14 years of age can still shock us all. This time with the introducing of a 10 man raid. Literally 1 raid...
It will require players to travel to a new planet called Mazcab and fight against the Tuska (who want to devour the planet)
This raid will mean new gear, new tactics, new combat abilities and above all joint adventures togetherness YAYYYYY.
There will be a new PVP minigame to get into new forests and some mini quests to have some fun with. This is only for paying members however and free-to-play wont have access to this amazing 10 man raid.
(excuse the sarcasm)
What do you guys think?
Can runescape pull this off?
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Warhammer 40K: Deathwatch OUT THIS WEEK
Warhammer 40K: Deathwatch OUT THIS WEEK
Hi guys thought i would share this one with you all as the release date is this week and to be honest i'm looking forward to it so why not spread the word.
Warhammer is releasing Deathwatch onto Apple store costing £3.99 or $4.99 you will either need a Ipad 4, Ipad mini 2, Iphone 5 or Iphone 5c to play this game. Now I dont know if this means it wont be available for the Iphone 6 which it surely will be. Why wouldn't you bring out a new game on the newest software/device. Who know we will see on 16-07-15.
This will be a turn-based strategy game (surprisingly) and you are left in control of a group of special space marines called Deathwatch. You and Deathwatch have to fight against the Tyranid. Gaining experience points for new abilities and upgrading stats and also on the hunt for new gear to make your squad epic. The campaign will consist of 40 missions, Nine acts and 15 hours of gameplay so defo worth the money. If that wasn't enough for you there is a side mission of collecting all the codex book which will eventually unlock wargear and relics, there are 250 pieces to collect so have fun with that.
I have uploaded a few screenshots below.
Tell me what you think will you guys be getting this game?
Does warhammer need a new warhammer online?
Let me know?
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Apple Pay Launches in the UK.....(How to use it?)
Apple Pay Launches in the UK.....(How to use it?)
Well here is the first technology post we have created and why not do it about the new Apple Pay.
If you have a contactless card then the concept of this payment is basically the same as that, but other than using your card you can use your iphone well iphone 6, 6plus and apple watch.
The cap limit like on contactless card payments is £20 and will increase to £30 in september. Apple plan to install special terminals in stores that have fingerprint scanners to allow for bigger purchases.
How does it work?
Apple pay is a wallet a digital wallet like paypal. It lets you use the cards that are stored in your Passbook app. You can use this online or instore. Unlike contactless however Apple pay have a little more security as it use a token feature for example if you go into a store and pay contactless with a card it will pass your details onto the supplier. However Apple gives the supplier a token without giving them your details allowing them to use that token only once. Using the finger scanner the payments are approved by the user's fingerprint making the Apple pay in my opinion safer than contactless as anyone can use your contactless card but Apple pay unless they have your hand which would be very unfortunate to lose a hand and a phone on the same day they can't use it.
Most of the big banks are getting involved HSBC,Santander, Natwest, RBS,Lloyds but there is a issue with Barclays and they are still trying to "figure things out"
Most of the retailers that use contactless will also accept the Apple pay. Online however the concept is like Paypal and can be used to pay for things securely. The list of online retailers are slowly increasing so be sure to check before you try and purchase online, chances are they are going to be alot of online stores getting involved once this kicks off and the amount of people that love Apple im sure that it will.
So to conclude i think this is a safer way to pay with contactless then the actual contactless card and the online service is basically Apple Paypal so how that will catch on I don't know.
What do you guys think?
Will you be using this service?
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Prototype: Biohazard Bundle Comes to XBOX ONE...
Prototype: Biohazard Bundle Comes to XBOX ONE...
Thought I would let you all know that prototype has come to xbox one and Activision has set up versions for Prototype and Prototype 2, and have launched them as a digital bundle.
This is only on xbox store at the moment but trophies have been put up for PS4 so im guessing they have it planned for PS4 aswell.
This nice little bundle is on the xbox store for £39.99 or $50.
This wasn't really the top of our remastered list however both games were pretty good and bringing them to Xbox one and eventually PS4 means that they must be trying to hype up the fact this games did exist as Activation must have a new Prototype game in the pipeline. As we have seen with Halo and Gears of War.
I have uploaded a few screenshots incase you was wondering what this game was all about.
What do you think?
Has Activision choose the right game to remaster?
Let me know and comment guys..
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Nintendo President Satoru Passes away at 55 :(
Nintendo President Satoru Passes away at 55 :(
A little tribute to the man that made the bold changes to Nintendo which they needed and brought them great success for example the change seeing the Wii and the DS hitting the stores and the recent change to see Nintendo hitting our smart phones.
This is a man that halved his salary due to the recent flop of the Wii U to help with Nintendo's financial difficulties. The flag at Nintendo's HQ is flying half-mast today for Mr.Iwata.
"Above all, video games are meant to be just one thing: Fun. Fun for everyone" Mt.Iwata
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Assassins Creed Syndicate Comic-Con
Assassins Creed Syndicate Comic-Con
The new Assassins creeds already looks like an incredible game and the added screenshots and animation Video at comic-con has just added to the excited for this game that is due to release on October 23rd 2015.
Set in the London industrial revolution, which of course leads to the events of the rich getting richer and taking advantage of the poor and the poor becoming poorer and being exploited. Leading to increase in crime and corruption. This is where our two new siblings come into it Jason Frye and his sister Evie and the trusty gang 'The Rooks'. Allowing for players to switch between both character in a open world and them both individually and joint quests and missions that need to be fought through. They also have access to new weapons such as the assassin gauntlet.
PS4 are getting handed a nice exclusive content download upon the release. Titled the dreadful crimes which involve 10 side missions incuding kidnaps,murders and a few more brutal kills.
Here are the screens shot released. Check them out and comment tell me what you think?
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World of Warcraft Movie
World of Warcraft Movie
I keep seeing this everywhere so I thought i would share it with you guys plus i have been waiting for the is move forever since i first put that first disc of the world of Warcraft in my computer you know when games had discs for the install?
Comic-con of course gets the first look and here it is.
Here is a LONG presentation on the whole thing if you really would like to watch it all (I HAVE) sad i know anyway tell me what you think and comment below.
With the increase in demand for free-to-plays has WoW still got the fan base for this movie. See i think that it has though I don't think it has the old generation anymore, For example i stopped playing the game as soon as the update for buying level 80s come out. It just hasn't got the amount of effort that it took me to start with to get the end game. I understand that when you get to level 90 and the PVP and the Raids are like having a new game from scratch but to allow people to buy levels 80s just shot everything I did to get to level 60 back in the day, the hard grind of questing and see the world POINTLESS to me however I think this movie will only increase Blizzards fan base.
What do you guys think?
Comment below.
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New Layout Work To Be Done But What Do You Think?
New Layout Work To Be Done But What Do You Think?
I have totally updated my blog still have a little work to do but what do you guys think please comment and tell me what can be improved or if you like it?
All the blogs social media is linked on the the new site please don't hesitate to add us and get involved we need your support to make this happen I have great support already keep it up :)
Check it out guys and comment
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Elder Scrolls Online - What Class, What to do, WHATTTTT (Guide to your Class)
Elder Scrolls Online - What Class, What to do, WHATTTTT (Guide to your Class)
I have recently purchased Elder Scrolls Online and I am already very excited to really get into the nitty gritty of the game. The only issue for me was that there is so many things to do to complete to get started with you just don't know where to start. (It doesn't help that the ghost guy at the start doesn't really give you a helping hand other than we will meet again, like seriously come on i have just returned from death give a man a silver at least) either way he gave me a necklace cheers.
But before all this there is character creation this alone is one of the biggest decision of the whole game well for me it is. I can't stand going through a game with just a randomised character as i need to make it my own. Also I don't know if this is just me but i cant play as a human either i have to be something that isn't what i already am haaa that's the whole part of playing a game to be different to the world i'm in right?
However I got past all this and got to the part where you choose your race and class, Now I personally have to put alot of thought and research into this before even getting the game before i choose my class and race and usually I tend to go for the healer type of character always have done and I love the gameplay. However you guys might not be into healing so here is a little breakdown of the classes and the best races for the classes in each faction as the factions have a say on which race you can be.
The Classes:
Dragon Knight: This is the tanking class, for those who don't know what a tank is,it's basically the guy that runs in gets hit gets healed and stops the other guys getting hit. They usually wear heavy armour and focus on health and survivability. Each class has a breakdown of 3 different skill trees which allow that class to take on certain roles more efficiently.
Ardent Flame = Damage Dealer = Two Handed weapons, Dual Wield
Draconic Power = Survivability = Sword and ShieldEarthen Heart = Survivability = Sword and Shield
Templar: This is the sole focus of healing but more in the way of a paladin where they can deal crazy damage but also heal on the side if needed. There is a tree solely for healing as well but for leveling maybe keep to the other trees unless you plan to dungeon dive alot for xp and can be the healer. Templars can use heavy armour and depending on which skill tree you follow will determine which weapon/weapons to use.
Aedric Spear = Protection/Tank = Sword and Shield
Dawn's Wrath = Damage Dealer = Bow, Duel swords, two-handed weapons, staves
Restoring Light = Healer = Staves, Bow
Sorcerer: As you can guess this is a huge damage dealer, they tend to use the elements to fight their battles for example lightening bolts, summoning of tornadoes and summoning of creatures. Not really the survivability type but can deal huge damage. These sorcerers can where light armour and usually choose staves as a weapon.
Storm Calling = Pure Damage = Staves
Dark Magic = Crowd Control/Damage = Staves
Daedric Summoning = Damage/Summoning = Staves
Nightblade: This guy is pure DPS constant stealthy stabbing or ranging bows and uses quicktime attacks to deal huge amounts of damage over a quick amount of time. Sneak and stealth is their main asset and can utilise it to their advantage.
Assassination = Pure damage = Duel wield,bows
Shadow = Damage/Crowd Control = Duel wield,bows
Siphoning = Buffing/Debuffing = Duel wield, bows
Now is there a better class than the rest the answer is no they are all good at certain things and that mean it's down to personal preference what do you like to play? How do you like to play? (comment below and let me know) However the races can affect how good you can play a certain class, some races are built to be certain classes and visa versa. Below is a breakdown of the races and the factions they belong to either Aldmeri Dominion, Daggerfall Covenant and Ebonheart Pact. All in which have different storylines and breakdowns for them but you can choose which one you want on personal preference also. Here is the breakdown of the races for each faction and which class would benefit most from being that race.
Aldmeri Dominion
Altmer = Sorcerer
Bosmer = Night Blade/Dragon Knight
Khajit = Night Blade/Dragon Knight
Daggerfall Covenant
Orcs = Dragon Knight/Templar
Bretons = Sorcerer
Redguards = Night Blade/Templar
Ebonheart Pact
Dunmer = Sorcerer/Night Blade
Argonians = Dragon Knight/Templar
Nords = Dragon Knight
These races can all be played as all of the different classes but what I have posted is according with their Racial Skills and are getting the most of these skills. However this is on personal preference if you like orks and want to be a sorcerer do it who cares i don't think it will have to much effect on the damage that can be produced as a sorcerer but it will have a slight effect and we all know that a little is a lot in a massive online multiplayer.
I have told you guys about the weapons in which to use for these classes as well, these are also personal preference unless you are a sorcerer use a stave god damn you.
Nightblade: This guy is pure DPS constant stealthy stabbing or ranging bows and uses quicktime attacks to deal huge amounts of damage over a quick amount of time. Sneak and stealth is their main asset and can utilise it to their advantage.
Assassination = Pure damage = Duel wield,bows
Shadow = Damage/Crowd Control = Duel wield,bows
Siphoning = Buffing/Debuffing = Duel wield, bows
Now is there a better class than the rest the answer is no they are all good at certain things and that mean it's down to personal preference what do you like to play? How do you like to play? (comment below and let me know) However the races can affect how good you can play a certain class, some races are built to be certain classes and visa versa. Below is a breakdown of the races and the factions they belong to either Aldmeri Dominion, Daggerfall Covenant and Ebonheart Pact. All in which have different storylines and breakdowns for them but you can choose which one you want on personal preference also. Here is the breakdown of the races for each faction and which class would benefit most from being that race.
Aldmeri Dominion
Altmer = Sorcerer
Bosmer = Night Blade/Dragon Knight
Khajit = Night Blade/Dragon Knight
Daggerfall Covenant
Orcs = Dragon Knight/Templar
Bretons = Sorcerer
Redguards = Night Blade/Templar
Ebonheart Pact
Dunmer = Sorcerer/Night Blade
Argonians = Dragon Knight/Templar
Nords = Dragon Knight
These races can all be played as all of the different classes but what I have posted is according with their Racial Skills and are getting the most of these skills. However this is on personal preference if you like orks and want to be a sorcerer do it who cares i don't think it will have to much effect on the damage that can be produced as a sorcerer but it will have a slight effect and we all know that a little is a lot in a massive online multiplayer.
I have told you guys about the weapons in which to use for these classes as well, these are also personal preference unless you are a sorcerer use a stave god damn you.
Anywayz i hope this helps you guys, comment and let me know what you think?
Thank you for reading at GameMyFace(scott)
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Dragon Age Inquisition New Features,DLC & More!
Dragon Age Inquisition New Features,DLC & More!
It seems bioware is finally ready to share information on their latest additions and changes
to the latest installment in their dragon age franchise as well as throw more questions into
the mix about the upcoming unnamed DLC that apparently had it's information leaked earlier this
- First of all; Patch 8 is out, and it's a whopper! Released on the 6th of July this patch clocks
in at exactly 2.5gb of information to enhance your dragon age experience, and this patch contains two very distinct pieces of information. Firstly; there are two new hotfixes for PS4 only one is a stability
patch relating to the 'flames of the inquisition' weapons pack and the second will finally allow PS4 players to join a multiplayer game through their friends list.The second hotfix being more significant here as this patch in particular is all about the multiplayer, fixing more issues and introducing more features than ever before to enhance the online play experience. Highlights of these features include a proving ground to test your character before going online, new higher level weapons and even a new "Nightmare" difficulty to challenge players even more (Think of when Platinum difficulty was added to ME3 online.).
- Second of all this patch adds a save importer to the main menu of the Xbox and Playstation versions of the game. This is not as I mistakenly believed a way to replace the need for the dragon age keep system for your decisions in the previous two games. Instead this is a feature that allows you to migrate your save data (both single and multiplayer)from one version of the game to another, specifically from older generation consoles to the newer generation. There are a few caveats to this however as it only allows for the transfer of one save at a time much like the borderlands save importer, and it will only work within console families, meaning an xbox 360 save can only migrate to an Xbox one and likewise a Ps3 Save can only transfer to PS4, with neither being made compatible with the PC version of the game.
A complete list of the patch notes can be found here: http://blog.bioware.com/2015/07/07/dragon-age-inquisition-patch-8-notes/
A guide for using the save importer correctly was also made by bioware: http://www.dragonage.com/en_US/news/save-importer?utm_campaign=da-social-na-ic-fb-social-na-ic-fb-save-importer-prev-site-sust&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&sourceid=da-social-na-ic-fb-social-na-ic-fb-save-importer-prev-site-sust&cid=40456&ts=1436213442580&sf39119004=1
This save importer feature is especially important as bioware has announced that no more future DLC will be made available to the previous generations of consoles, instead focusing efforts on the Xbox One, Playstation 4 and PC versions of the title.
And just to cap it all off? Bioware are adding a new decoration option to the skyhold base customisation list; A pack based entirely around a dragon theme (matching the deluxe edition Dragon maw throne nicely), it appears this addition will be free to all dragon age inquisition players and will become available to your inquisitor has defeated their first high dragon in-game.
So there we go, a massive amount of information from the nuggalopes mouth there, a lot of exciting stuff seems to be happening and it's clear Bioware aren't quite done with the inquisition as of yet. What do you think of the news? Is this the patch you've been dying to get or is it largely irrelevant? Is this move away from the 360 and PS3 versions of the title shameless grasping for money asking for you to buy a new version of the game or is it a statement of the quality Bioware wish to achieve with further content without having to be concerned with console parity? Let us know your thought's below, be sure to share all this info with your friends and until next time...
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Minecraft Windows 10 Edition Beta
Minecraft Windows 10 Edition Beta
Here is a little announcement for you guys if you didn't already know Minecraft is getting a windows 10 edition which will be free for existing PC players. (which is always a good thing)
This game with have features such as dual-wielding,shields and southpaw support. Mojang have announced it will release alongside the release of the windows 10 operating system itself on july 29th.
It will be $10 or £6.40 for new players. Which seems rather cheap and appealing to me so i think id give it ago on July 29th.
This edition is a little different as it will support multiplayer online and local with people that are playing on the pocket edition, as well as the xbox one version.
Mojang have announced new additions to all games other than just dual-wielding you will get to choose a dominant hand and there will be enchanted arrows and shields added to the game.
These additions are all welcome changes to the game and it seems like Mojang have actually listened to their huge fanbase and are giving the players what they wanted.
What do you guys think?
Would you like to see more additions to this game?
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NEW Elex (Handcrafted RPG)
NEW Elex (Handcrafted RPG)
This game looks exciting to be honest with you guys.
There is nothing like a dark RPG to load up on the xbox, one of my favourite kind of games.
There isn't much information floating about for this game however it is being described as a HANDCRAFTED ACTION RPG set in a post-apocalyptic sci-fi fantasy universe with creatures and original characters.
Now in my experience I enjoy the whole i'm going to choose this path I destroyed the world kind of thing and i do feel that it makes you more linked with the game itself. The main character being an extension of yourself and the decisions(if you were a dark hooded sword swinging boss) would make.
The only question I have is how big is the game?
I hate it when i finally get emerged into a storyline like this game is undoubtedly going to offer and then the credits role. Its like a slap to the face.
So if I was Piranha Bytes id make sure this game was crazy huge with side quests and side quests attached to the first side quests with guilds you can join online play and overall great a experience.
This is due to release December 2016 to March 2017.
Are you excited????
Lets Play
This game looks exciting to be honest with you guys.
There is nothing like a dark RPG to load up on the xbox, one of my favourite kind of games.
There isn't much information floating about for this game however it is being described as a HANDCRAFTED ACTION RPG set in a post-apocalyptic sci-fi fantasy universe with creatures and original characters.
Now in my experience I enjoy the whole i'm going to choose this path I destroyed the world kind of thing and i do feel that it makes you more linked with the game itself. The main character being an extension of yourself and the decisions(if you were a dark hooded sword swinging boss) would make.
The only question I have is how big is the game?
I hate it when i finally get emerged into a storyline like this game is undoubtedly going to offer and then the credits role. Its like a slap to the face.
So if I was Piranha Bytes id make sure this game was crazy huge with side quests and side quests attached to the first side quests with guilds you can join online play and overall great a experience.
This is due to release December 2016 to March 2017.
Are you excited????
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1 deal 1 preorder 1+ if you want it??
1 deal 1 preorder 1+ if you want it??
Down from £45
Pre Ordering
Just because
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Down from £45
Pre Ordering
Just because
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As I love you guys and the support you guys give me here is a little something I saw today and thought i would share it with you.
If you are planning on buying a digital game anytime soon you might want to wait as we have a sale coming up on July 7th-13th 2015. This means guys that Xbox is promising at least a 40%-50% sale and a extra 10% if you're a gold member .
There has been a teaser trailer that has been released showing over 70 games be have discounts including games like Mortal Kombat X, Diablo 3, Far cry 4, borderlands and Dragon age.
Just some advice for you guys, they like to put games up over the whole week and then some games only on a single day so remember to get involved each day and find what games you can get.
Here is the teaser trailer enjoy??
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Ratchet and Clank film (WHATTTT)
Ratchet and Clank film (WHATTTT)
Gamers/Film Buffs
How'd You guys feel about the new trailer for the Ratchet and Clank film?
Now for me i can not wait haa i loved this game as a kid and would happily play it now if they remastered it i have spent hours shooting and killing and hitting people on that game with countless upgrade and ships haa loved it.
I dont know whether a film is a bit overboard as the series as a game hasn't got the recognition it deserves and they are trying to do this as a last ditch attempt to try and rekindle the love for this game or they generally feel like it should be turned into a film series instead and think the masses need it in their lives.
Here is a trailer for the background og the Ratchet and Clank series.
Well with the more popular animated films coming to light there is a huge market for these sort of films look at frozen people are still talking about that and beens like what 15 years?
why dont you watch the trailer here and tell me what you think??
Let's Watch
Uncharted 4 full E3 Trailer
Uncharted 4 full E3 Trailer
I have never been a Playstation fan but i have played uncharted and to be honest the game is amazing.
The cinematics to the game play all shine the fact that Naughty dog has put alot of effort into this games and have created a beast of a game for its efforts.
Why don't you guys check out the 14 minute trailer and comment tell me what you think?
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Im back i have have been away from blogging for awhile but i have returned :)
With the news of the new Gears of War how could I not be back haa.
Now I don't like to rub it in when i get it right but guys come on look at this link i posted earlier in march.
Like come on really haa.
I am so excited for the 2 new games coming to Xbox one well one new one and the other being a remake of the older ones but still its all good ;).
I loved gears of war to have them on xbox one remastered how can i say no to playing through the story line again it's impossible to the first game of anthony carmine to the death of Dom (which hit me hard) i can not wait to experience these games on xbox one.
The crazy part is that after I have completed all of the remastered games which I already have I get to play gears of war 4 now if they kill any more of my favourite characters I just won't be able to take it anymore and if clay carmine is any bigger that guy is basically the hulk. I am looking forward to playing completing and sharing my screen shots with you guys and I hope you are planning on playing this game to if so add my Xbox live scottyG09.
If you want to pre order this game take a look at it here on this link and comment if you have pre ordered it like I have.
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Mirror Edge 2?? Yay Or Nay??
Mirror Edge 2?? Yay Or Nay??
See I keep hearing little whispers on the grapevine of Mirror Edge 2. So I did some digging and it turns out that EA is planning to release this game alongside Mass Effect 4 by March 2016.
Now i'm excited for this game i loved the first one and i'm looking forward to it. Maybe because Mirrors edge was one of a kind back then but with games like Brink and other first person free running games like dying light maybe this game won't have such a big impact in the gaming world.
However i will be getting it and trying it out what about you guys?
Will you be playing this new one?
Comment let me know?
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